Hello from all of us at “Things That Matter”. We strive to keep you up to date on topics affecting Canadians, your Family, Children and the Supply of Food!
Our Newest Episodes
Harry Siemens of “Siemens Says” is here to talk about the things that matter to our food supply. Maple Leaf announces they are incorporating “protein” into their production, what does that mean? Denmark imposing a $100 carbon tax on cows and an extremely leftist city council in Australia wants to go vegan for the whole city. Yikes.
Francine Champagne ( 3 time suspended ex-trustee) and Sandra St. Cyr (who ran in the recent by-election) join me in studio to discuss the needs of children in the education system and in particular the Louie Riel School Division in Manitoba.
What’s the difference between a Life Span and Health Span? A world of difference, as we discuss this with Judy Friesen on Age Reversing Health. Lifewave X39 can improve your health span and your life span.
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